Get those boards ready! Find a clean mop head! Load that shotgun! Chuck is back to protect and cleanse Niceville once more.
Taking it’s cues from the original Zombie Wonderland, Zombie Wonderland 2: Outta Time! puts players back into the over-worked and under-appreciated shoes of the town’s most renowned zombie-slayer/janitor. There haven’t been that many specifics given out as of yet, but it appears as though Chuck’s continued adventures in “Why the Heck Would Anyone Choose to Live Here, USA” will be a whole ‘lotta “more.” More clients, such as the viking, Jorund. More weapons, including the Wasp Grenade. More enemies like the Zombie Knight. And more time periods in which to mop up the living dead mess, then mop up the other living dead mess.
However, the biggest change (aside from being downright bigger in the first place) is that Zombie Wonderland 2 will follow a free-to-play model, with in-app purchases. Again, no other specifics have been given but I’m assuming that means paying real cash for either more in-game cash to buy upgrades, paying real cash up front for said upgrades/levels, or a combination of the two. Of course, within a few weeks there won’t be any more questions because the game should be out by then, but why not take a gander at the new trailer and gallery of concept art to whet that whistle?
About: Walkin’ ‘Round a Zombie Wonderland 2! is a post from 148Apps
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