Take one hugely popular music game series that’s sold ridiculously well and is known the world over. Then take a huge music star that’s been referred to as an inspiration to many and the Madonna of the 21st century. What do you get? Born This Way Revenge of course!
Lady Gaga fans have already been fortunate enough to enjoy Lady Gaga Revenge 1 and Lady Gaga Revenge 2, focusing on earlier hits, but this version of Tap Tap Revenge focuses solely on the latest album – Born This Way.
Born This Way is big business for music fans, easily winning title of most anticipated album of the year with phenomenal critical and commercial success. Born This Way Revenge features 17 tracks from the album including the eponymous single, The Edge of Glory and future single, Judas, along with album hits such as Government Hooker, Electric Chapel, The Queen and Highway Unicorn (Road To Love).
As well as offering so many tracks within the game along with full official lyrics, Born This Way Revenge also comes with access to Gagavision webisodes on YouTube, video shorts from Lady Gaga, and latest news on all things Gaga. Fans can also interact with each other via three different chat rooms and keep up with Lady Gaga’s tweets within the game. The Haus of Gaga event list is also easily accessible providing Gaga’s Facebook events within easy virtual reach.
Game fans will also be pleased to see that the typically addictive Tap Tap Revenge gameplay is still there with GameCenter support and plenty of ways to share scores with friends. Plus there are four unlock-able boss tracks to acquire too.
Born This Way Revenge is available now for all iOS devices and is priced at $4.99.
Born This Way Revenge
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $4.99
Released: 2011-05-24 :: Category: Games
Apps mentioned in this post: Born This Way Revenge, Lady Gaga Revenge, Lady Gaga Revenge 2
About: Born This Way Revenge Comes To The App Store is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/born-revenge-app-store/
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