Maybe I still haven’t fully accepted technology for just how wonderful it really is, but it still impresses me hugely when my iPhone can tell me exactly how to get from one place to another within seconds. Presumably, there’s a future ahead of us where no one can ever get lost, all thanks to wonderful GPS and Google Maps. This future should clearly include Maps+, a new app from IZE Ltd which aims to build upon the uses that the built in app Maps already offers.
Maps+ brings with it the lofty promise of ensuring that its users will never be lost. A tap of a button ensures that users can pinpoint their location on the map with another tap enabling a compass feature that then rotates the map to match the direction that the user is currently facing.
Users can easily search for an address using the search function and even co-ordinates can be searched if the full address isn’t known. Route directions are simple to acquire then with car, bike (in the US) and pedestrian paths being available to consult. There’s also the added benefit of being able to set midway stopping points if the user wishes to stop at certain other locations on the way.
If the user is waiting to reach their destination via public transport, they can even set up an alarm that’s dependent on location so they need never miss their stop on the train for example.
Particularly useful to fitness addicts, there’s also a feature to record the route taken via GPS so that users can keep track of the path they’ve taken.
Simple social networking features are also available whereby users can view their friends’ tweets and the location in which they were tweeted.
Maps+ offers a lot in its quest to be more feature rich than the bundled app of a similar name. It’s certainly worth a look for those after a bit more to the free GPS navigation apps currently available.
Maps+ is available now and is compatible with all iOS devices. It’s a free app to download but there are some limitations that are bypassed with a $2.99 in-app purchase.
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
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Released: 2011-05-18 :: Category: Navigation
Apps mentioned in this post: Maps+
About: Maps+ Offers Plenty Of Navigation Features For A Low Price is a post from 148Apps
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