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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stream Video And Audio Easily With Air Playit

Wi-Fi has given technology buffs a huge amount of freedom. It’s not that long ago that we were all constricted by cables making the likes of video streaming possible but a little awkward and requiring plenty of forward planning. Now we’ve got the wonders of Wi-Fi and apps like Air Playit.

Air Playit is an app that enables its users to stream any video or audio files that are stored on their PC straight to their iOS device. Video conversion tools mean that video libraries can be converted instantly to a format that iOS devices can read. Users aren’t restricted to being on the same Wi-Fi network either with it being possible to set up the server to work across the internet too.

The app also supports Apple TV-Out so that users can stream content to their TV via their iOS device. Options to customize output quality and audio parameters are also available. It’s a pretty comprehensive app indeed and one that offers tons of convenience.

Air Playit is out now in iPhone and iPad varieties. Both are free.

Apps mentioned in this post: Air Playit - Streaming Video to iPhone, Air Playit HD - Streaming Video to iPad

About: Stream Video And Audio Easily With Air Playit is a post from 148Apps

Jennifer Allen 17 Aug, 2011

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Photo Stats Review

Photo Stats Review

Bonnie Eisenman on August 16th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★☆☆ :: SLEEK AND SIMPLE
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad

Photo Stats combs through the metadata from your Camera Roll and delivers shiny infographics about your photo-taking habits. When, where, and how do you love to take photos? Photo Stats has the answers. An uncomplicated app, Photo Stats nevertheless delivers on its pledges.


Developer: Dear Future Astronaut AB
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0

iPhone Integration Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 3.17 out of 5 stars

The camera built into all current iPod Touches and iPhones is incredibly handy—carrying a camera requires effort, but most people will always have their phones in their pocket or purse. As a result, many of us have built up sizable Camera Rolls. But these photos aren’t simply photos; the iPhone also encodes a wealth of information when it saves a new photo, such as when, where, and how the photo was taken. Photo Stats is an app that takes the iPhone’s Camera Roll, processes that information, and spits out a series of shiny infographics that provide the user with potentially interesting data about their photos.

Really, this is a simple app, and one unlikely to warrant more than a few uses. Literally all that Photo Stats does is produce these shiny, descriptive infographics. The infographics can be interesting, and include information such as where, at what time of day, on what days, using which app, and with what settings you took the most pictures. (Really, I recommend looking at the images in this post.) From there, Photo Stats can export said infographics via email, Facebook, or Twitter; saving the infographics to the iPhone itself is also an option.

But however interesting that information is, Photo Stats is still a one-trick pony. True, more photos mean different statistics, so theoretically over time Photo Stats could display different trends. However, there’s no option to restrict the data to a certain time period. As a result it’s hard to imagine opening Photo Stats more than a few times.

Data junkies and infographic lovers may find something to appreciate here, and the infographics themselves are lovely and provide an interesting glimpse at oft-ignored photograph metadata. There’s nothing wrong with Photo Stats itself. However, it’s clearly not a “useful” app—it’s just a novelty, meant for a handful of uses. Given that fact, Photo Stats delivers on its promises, but those promises just weren’t so big to begin with.

Apps mentioned in this post: Photo Stats – infographic creator for your iPhone photos

About: Photo Stats Review is a post from 148Apps

Bonnie Eisenman 17 Aug, 2011

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Business Model Toolbox

Business Model Toolbox

David Mitchell on August 16th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★★½ :: RAPID ITERATION
iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad

Business Model Toolbox is a digital Canvas for Business Model Generation. Read the first chapter of the book and you will be itching to get your hands on this app.


Developer: Business Model Foundry Gmbh
Price: $29.99 Version: 1.0.1 App Reviewed on: iPad 2
iPad Integration Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Overall Rating: 4.47 out of 5 stars

In order to understand this application's raison d'être, you need to know about the business modeling concepts as illustrated, figuratively and literally, in the book Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwald and Yves Pigneur. ISBN 978-0-470-87641-1. If you are thinking of starting your own business, or already own or run a business, no matter how small, for profit or non-profit, understanding the concepts in The Business Model Generation is imperative.

The Book

The Business Model Generation is an approach to, a process for, and a way of thinking about business models for the future. Why? Because as one successful entrepreneur put is so well, "disruption is coming soon to an industry near you" as we have so amply seen with legends like Google, Apple, new industries like social media, mobile technologies, and the 10-people billion-dollar businesses that astonish the most jaded of us. Less commonly known are the success stories of the likes of Swatch, Wii, Lego and Nescafe recounted in the book. So whatever business you are in, don't get too comfortable. The next generation will drink your milkshake.

The book is nearly 300 pages arranged into five sections: the business model canvas (the Business Model Toolbox app is an eCanvas), business model patterns, design thinking, strategy and process for thinking about and creating next-generation business models. The format is like a coffee-table book with large pages full of illustrations, diagrams, drawings, side bars, tables, lists, exercises and workshop tips. Because of this, and because you will find yourself regularly flipping back and forth through the pages, the book will not translate well into an eBook. Though I would not bet against the creators doing so, brilliantly. Concepts are made real with recent real-world case studies written as short sketches rather than detailed analyses and histories.

In addition to the authors and editor, the credits include a creative director, a producer and 470 "co-creators." Much more has gone in to this book than text for yet another business management lesson. The team clearly practiced what they preach having bypassed a traditional publishing approach to create a platform (the Hub – from which they shared their writings from the start. The authors tell us that the Hub even contributed a revenue stream that was used to help finance the book's production – a great example of next-generation business model thinking.

Because critical thinking requires disciplined reasoning, the canvas is "a conceptual map that functions as a visual language with a corresponding grammar." The canvas is an aid in fostering the understanding of the essence of a business model idea, an aid in enhancing the dialog when ideating and analyzing with a shared language and reference point, an aid in exploring ideas and an aid in visually presenting your discoveries and designs.

Business Model Generation is more than just these fancy words. To disciples of Design Thinking these concepts are as familiar and comforting as your first cup of tea in the morning. The canvas and Toolbox application binds that mindset to big picture thinking. It simplifies by capturing the essence of a business model without the distraction of the details and fosters rapid prototyping and what-if scenarios. After sufficient iterations, for the business models that have survived the selection process, the book shows how the canvas can be used to communicate the model and work through SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analyses. Again, real-world case studies are briefly illustrated to highlight the key concepts.

Example of a fictional t-shirt business model

Example of a fictional t-shirt business model

The Application

The canvas is divided into nine building blocks. In the center is the Value Proposition. The left side contains areas for the business’s key activities, key assets, and key partners atop the Cost Structure. The right side, atop Revenue Stream, has the customer-oriented blocks customer segments, customer relationships and customer support. The visual aspect of the canvas fosters ideation, creativity and discovery of both compositional elements and the relationships among them required for a real, dynamic businesses.

The application allows you to rapidly create Post-it™ notes, each conveying a single idea about the building block to which it is attached. A note-pad UI element is available if quick, additional notes need to be captured, but is otherwise hidden under the sticky. Most of us have probably performed a similar exercise when brainstorming with a team at work. We do love our sticky notes.

Post-it™ notes, guide notes and note pad UI

The Post-it™ UI

In the book's case study of, the self-publishing service, in the value proposition block is one sticky note for the self-publishing service and one for the market place for niche content. Authors and audiences go in the customer segment block. A sticky for the web site in customer segment channel connects the value proposition to customers creating a revenue stream. This written description may make the tool seem at the same time a little too abstract and simplistic, but the visual model on the canvas makes the business pattern clear and easy to explain. Chapter two of the book walks you through five business model patterns and real world cases from important concepts from business literature. Lego's use of the Long Tail pattern is one of the more memorable cases in the book.

Once the nouns and verbs and the business pattern have emerged, the Toolbox allows you to go further with a quick sketch of the numbers. Post-it™ notes on the cost structure building block are enabled with a Cost Calculator where fixed costs, variable costs and other costs may be added. Touching the calculator icon on the top bar reveals a bubble with the totals for the appropriate Post-it™ notes. Touch the bubble to bring up the revenue or cost calculator. Help notes, organized hierarchically for drill down on the details, provide guidance for the particular building block in which the Post-it™ note resides. Touch the question-mark icon on the sticky note to toggle them on and off.

Post-it™ notes in the Revenue Stream building block are enabled with a Revenue Calculator where you can enter numbers for sales, subscriptions, pay-per-user amounts, licensing, etc. Each of these categories provides cells for sub-values specific to the revenue model. For example, for subscription-based revenue, there are cells for the number of subscriptions, price and subscription period. The canvas automatically brings these numbers down to the bottom, like a spreadsheet, to display the profit or loss for the complete model.

Cost calculator example

Cost calculator

There are 12 basic revenue and cost models available. The ease of use and simplicity is consistent with the canvas' goals for rapid ideation and iteration. You will need a real spreadsheet or other financials modeling tool to get to the next level. Models can be exported via email as an image or CSV file attachment. The CSV file can be imported in to a spreadsheet application as a starting point for a more sophisticated financial modeling. Unfortunately, there is no save, revert or undo/redo, which helps keep it simple, but could be a little annoying before you become accustomed to it.

In addition to the nice guide notes in the application, there is a learning center with one well-made video, Intro to the Business Model Canvas. The learning center contains a note stating that more tutorials are coming soon. I hope they keep that promise as the intro is very well done. More videos would be a great compliment to the book and help justify the expense of the application.

Who will find this application worth the price?

It would seem that Business Model Foundry would do itself a favor by creating a trial or entry-level version in order to give potential buyers a chance to get over the sticker shock and experience how beautiful this app is and how well it works. But there are probably a few good reasons that they chose not too. Possibly anyone already familiar with The Business Model Generation is already in love with the concept and can't wait to get their hands on such a tool. And probably anyone not familiar with the BMG will not appreciate such a tool, even as nice as the guiding features are, and will wonder what the big deal is. It is likely that this application is mostly bought as an up-sale from the book. Enthusiasts of The Business Model Generation concept will likely be enthusiastic buyers, as well.

The book is required reading for Founder Labs, an intensive five-week pre-incubator program whose mission is to launch new mobile ventures, where rapid business model prototyping is fundamental. I've also seen its concepts used in a venture philanthropy work shop. But before I had even completed half of the book, I discovered I could use Business Model Generation and the Toolbox app to better understand the business models of startups I have been speaking with in the search for my next work adventure. The rapid prototyping and iteration it affords work very well with my need to analyze a number of potentials in a brief period of time with only few publicly available details. It was extremely easy to sketch in the basics and to add refinements as I learned more.

Reuse Value

Unlike a word processor or spreadsheet, users will probably not be using this tool year after year. They might, but more likely, once it takes them to the next place, whatever their goal was in buying, they will move on. After all, day-to-day life intrudes and we must get on with managing the business for which we are responsible. But reuse is a very real part of its value. A single users may create dozens of models before they are done. It is, after all, about rapid prototyping and iteration. And savvy business owners will be giving their model(s) a check up from time to time.

Overall, this is a very robust and responsive app intuitive in its use. Other than the concept of business model generation, the learning curve is almost nil. There are few negatives. Surprisingly, however, there is no free-form, felt-tip pen-like drawing on a top-level layer or on the Post-it™ notes. That's an interesting oversight given that the book says "Drawings can be even more powerful than Post-it™ notes". And indeed, the book is replete with such drawings. No zooming is available either. It's not a necessity, but a nice to have nevertheless. It would be especially nice for presenting to a group in order to bring focus to a single building block or other element. There is also very little configurability. You have a choice of two fonts for the stickies, for example. Large and not so large. That is to a purpose, of course. But something you may find unnecessarily limiting.

Business Model Foundry created Toolbox for iPad so that it "combines the speed of a napkin sketch with the smarts of a spreadsheet." That is an apt description, though maybe over stated. Its design is definitely focused on rapid prototyping and iteration. With minimal features that would otherwise get in the way, like formatting, and the canvas duplicate button, the user is biased toward this work style. In this, they have excelled.

Business Model Toolbox

iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad
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Our Rating: ★★★★½ :: RAPID ITERATION
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Released: 2011-04-26 :: Category: Business

Apps mentioned in this post: Business Model Toolbox

About: Business Model Toolbox is a post from 148Apps

Lisa Caplan 17 Aug, 2011

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Shoot the Birds Review

Shoot the Birds Review

Lisa Caplan on August 16th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★★☆ :: ODDLY SATISFYING
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Shoot the Birds mixes elements of iOS bird classics and comes up with a new game with a decidedly different attitude about our avian “friends.”


Developer: Infinite Dreams
Price: $.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPad 2

Graphics / Sound Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 4.19 out of 5 stars

Shoot the Birds poses the question: "Do you really hate when those [bird] bullies peek at you with this angry look that says – "Hey, I'm not scared of you and I'm so not getting out of your way?” Or do you just want them to pay and suffer for the chicken flu, the diseases they carry and waking you up by tweeting and chirping after midnight?

Well if the answer is yes, Shoot the Birds is the answer to your prayers.

The game is something I’ve not seen before – an endless shooter. Well, of course it ends, but Infinite Dream’s press release compares it to iOS darling Tiny Wings and it is similar in that a) there are birds and b) gamers have to achieve a goal – in this case, killing as large a number of avian pests as possible before night falls.

The games also compares itself to Angry Birds and it is also similar in that a) there are birds and b) gamers use the same sort of projectile physics to aim. Beyond that, Shoot the Birds stands apart – it’s ironic, not sweet or cute.

in this Game Center enabled title, players control a pumpkin-headed man who is out to seek vengeance on the flying beasts that plague him. Players pull back on a crossbow to control the path and speed of an arrow and let loose in the hopes of skewering as many birds – and there are a variety of species worth different point values, smaller being better – as possible.

Small birds fly faster too, but the hilarious big ol' fat chickens who defy gravity can take out smaller birds on their way down. Don't fire randomly. Missed shots make night fall faster, while accuracy pays off with longer daylight flying time.

The controls are simple and accurate, but perhaps a touch oversensitive. It's easy to start firing willy nilly, but ill-advised. The graphics and soundtrack are simple but compelling, and again like Tiny Wings, certain achievements, like hitting a set number of birds in a row, add permanent score multipliers.

That's pretty much all there is to this simple, addictive game. Aim, shoot and hope to kill as many birds with one arrow as possible, and do it all fast.

Like many of Infinite Dreams games, like Can KnockDown 2, the premise and gameplay are simple, but strangely compelling. There isn't much to create replay value per se, so much as the game offers a short burst of visceral satisfaction gamers will return to again and again.

Shoot The Birds

Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
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Our Rating: ★★★★☆ :: ODDLY SATISFYING
Read Our Full Review >>
Released: 2011-08-12 :: Category: Games

Apps mentioned in this post: Shoot The Birds

About: Shoot the Birds Review is a post from 148Apps

Lisa Caplan 17 Aug, 2011

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