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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

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News from Apple today that Steve Jobs has lost his battle with cancer. The following is from

Apple is also requesting that if you would like to share your thoughts, memories, and condolences, please email

Personally I’d like to thank Steve for all he did and all he inspired. It should be obvious, but without what he created this site that I love and labor over wouldn’t be here. He will leave a void that may never be filled.

Stay hungry, stay foolish. – Steve Jobs

About: Steve Jobs 1955-2011 is a post from 148Apps

Jeff Scott 06 Oct, 2011

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Developer Confidential: Toy Studio, Part 3

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See Part 1 and Part 2 of this exclusive interview with Toy Studio.

If there is one thing that can be learned from a developer like PopCap, creators of such notable franchises as Peggle, Bookworm and Bejeweled, it is that gameplay is paramount.  A considerable amount of time went into tinkering with Monster Slider’s fundamental mechanics, in order to assure that it was challenging, while still maintaining an approachableness that would appeal to the masses.  The problem was that even after the prototyping stage, something seemed to be missing.

It was only a matter of time before they realized that the game lacked a compelling main character.  Sure, a random monster is temporarily amusing as a placeholder, but they found themselves wondering what about this indiscriminate beast would compel the player to spring to their aid? Realizing that something needed to change, artist Jess Riola sprang into action, producing several pieces of concept art for different protagonists.  The team instantly fell in love with an adorable blob-like creature named Squishy, and then proceeded to build a world around the character.

This was far from the only change from the game’s original design, but thankfully the small team structure fostered within Toy Studio allowed for programmer Pavel Nakaznenko to implement changes very quickly.

“…For Squishy's Revenge, we were able to change and add a number of things. We did that with relative ease and speed for how major some of the changes were. With only three people, if something didn't feel right or wasn't fun to play, a quick meeting would get everyone on a same page. It's drastically different where in a big company you'd have to go through a lot of red tape to get changes approved.”  — Christian Arca, Studio Director

While this brand of development isn’t necessarily specific to Toy Studio, one aspect of their proverbial “special sauce” is the use of their own unique style of focus testing.  In an age where millions are spent on making sure every aspect of a console game is suitable for mass consumption, the team opted for a more grassroots approach that was far more economical to boot.  Who knew that opinions were as close as a trip to the local coffeehouse?

Operating under the assumption that the best way to get feedback is to simply take the game to the masses, every couple of days they would take a build to a nearby coffeehouse and ask random strangers to give it a whirl.  Much to their initial shock, not only were people more than happy to pitch in, they would also frequently provide unexpectedly helpful feedback.  These bits and pearls of wisdom were extremely crucial in shaping the finished product.  Plus, when part of the job description includes time away from the office, everyone can benefit from the change of scenery.

The result of this constant collaboration, communication, cooperation, and commitment is the brain tickling puzzle game that will be released on the App Store today.  While the trio who worked on this project will move on to assuredly develop even bigger and better products down the road, Toy Studio is still far closing the book on Squishy’s Revenge.

“We'd love to continue to work on Squishy's Revenge. One idea we had was to add the option to create your own levels and share them with others. To be able to put the tools we had in the players hands, it would be awesome to see the creative levels they could dream up.” – Rob Lockhart, Game Designer

Sometimes the process of completing a task and the knowledge gleaned throughout can prove to be even more valuable that the finished product.  While tremendously proud of the Squishy's Revenge, Arca was quick to note that this release is part of a much bigger, studio-wide plan for looking towards the future.

“Regarding future releases, instead of saying, ‘We need an iPhone game,’ we'll say, ‘We have    this great game idea, where would it make sense to release it?’ iOS is obviously a powerhouse in the mobile industry so offering future games there is often a given but not all the time.”

This is far from an iron clad promise of more iOS games in the future from Toy Studio, but it is good to know that now the platform will be in serious consideration down the road.  Rest assured that they have nothing but positive things to say about the entire process and look forward to applying what they have learned going forward.

Starting today, Squishy’s Revenge has finished its quest from concept to completion. The game is available for download now in the App Store at absolutely no cost, so there is no excuse to not take the blob out for a spin.  For more details check out the trailer below.

Apps mentioned in this post: Peggle, Squishys Revenge

About: Developer Confidential: Toy Studio, Part 3 is a post from 148Apps

Blake Grundman 06 Oct, 2011

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Team Hot Wheels Flame Riders Review

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Team Hot Wheels Flame Riders Review

on October 5th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★☆☆ :: LACKING
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad

A somewhat underwhelming track drawing racing game.


Developer: Mattel
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 2.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4

Graphics / Sound Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

There’s not a great deal to Team Hot Wheels Flame Riders, a game based on the incredibly popular toy cars. Offering only 9 levels to traverse, it won’t even take that long to complete. Oddly though, it is quite fun and despite my better judgement I did enjoy the brief experience that it offers. Just don’t expect to be playing it for any great length of time.

Players are initially given the choice of controlling one of four vehicles, including one motorbike and three rally cars. Ultimately though, it’s an aesthestic choice. In terms of handling, there’s no change here so players might as well just pick their favorite color. Taking a different path than the usual racing games, players must draw the track to guide the vehicle rather than steer around a predefined track. What that means really is that players keep their finger held to the screen at all times to ensure a steady path.

There is some skill required as players have to dash through rings while avoiding numerous obstacles that start out simple – like a barrel – and get more challenging – like a huge bridge. It’s not hugely challenging though, unless you’re a kid I assume. It didn’t take me long at all to complete the 9 levels on offer.

It’s not that Team Hot Wheels Flame Riders isn’t fun. It’s just a little basic to be true value for money, even at the low price of $0.99. In-app purchases are available for buying new cars but it’s new levels that are needed more than anything. The cars don’t actually change anything as they’re just visually different than the ones before rather than changing anything fundamental about the game. For kids, this might be a decent enough distraction but if they’re any good at games, they’re going to finish it way too quickly for anyone’s liking.

Apps mentioned in this post: Team Hot Wheels Flame Riders™

About: Team Hot Wheels Flame Riders Review is a post from 148Apps

Jennifer Allen 06 Oct, 2011

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Put Those Pesky Beasts in Their Place, Young Monster Warrior.

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Getting bored of cutting up fruit? Tired of butchering berries, lacerating lemons, puncturing pineapples, whacking watermelons, slicing strawberries and nicking nectarines? Yeah, I didn’t think so. But it is nice to change things up every now and again, if even for a little while. That’s why we have games like Monster Warrior.

Bunnies are in trouble and the only way to protect them from the horrible (yet also cute and fuzzy) monsters is by cutting said monsters into little bits with a swipe of a finger. In four different game modes, including Arcade, Freestyle, Survival and Task. With Game Center achievements and leaderboards. Yessir, that’s the best way to save those bunnies. Cutting up fuzzy things and achievement-mongering.

This little slicing gem is available in the App Store for $0.99 right now. Just in time for Halloween. Well okay, maybe it’s a little early for Halloween, but it’s never a bad time for monster slicing.

Apps mentioned in this post: Monster Warrior

About: Put Those Pesky Beasts in Their Place, Young Monster Warrior. is a post from 148Apps

Rob Rich 06 Oct, 2011

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Party Play and AirPlay Added To Real Racing 2 In Time For iOS5 and iPhone 4S

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As we’ve seen, the iPhone 4S and iOS5 has been announced and with it has come a whole bunch of different features for app developers to implement in their products.

Historically, it’s always been Firemint and the Real Racing series that has been first to introduce such features such as iPad 2 optimization and 1080p output. It’s no different this time round with numerous features being added to Real Racing 2 and Real Racing 2 HD.

As predicted earlier in the year, AirPlay support will be added so that players can stream the game to their HD TV. Dual screen functionality will also be possible with real time racing telemetry on the iPad 2 or iPhone 4S.

More entertainingly is the addition of Party Play for 2 to 4 players, enabling players to play split screen local multiplayer over AirPlay.

Besides such revolutionary features, there’ll also be numerous visual upgrades to ensure that Real Racing 2 is still a cut above the rest.

Check out the Party Play trailer below. It’s looking pretty impressive.

The update is set to go live in time for iOS5 and the iPhone 4S release.

Real Racing 2 HD

iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad
Buy Now:
Our Rating: ★★★½☆ :: REAL FRUSTRATING
Read Our Full Review >>
Released: 2011-03-11 :: Category: Games

Apps mentioned in this post: Real Racing 2, Real Racing 2 HD

About: Party Play and AirPlay Added To Real Racing 2 In Time For iOS5 and iPhone 4S is a post from 148Apps

Jennifer Allen 06 Oct, 2011

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How Much Will it Cost to Upgrade to the iPhone 4S and Should You?

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We know what’s on everyone’s mind right now: “That new iPhone 4S looks like a killer phone, the object of much desire. And I’d really like to upgrade. I wonder how much it will cost me? And should I really do it?”

There are a lot of factors that go into that decision. And since we’re all going through that decision process, too, we decided to make a guide to help everyone.

Some of the things you are going to need to decide about deals with your current service? What is the best service provider for you?

How’s Your Service?

When the iPhone was launched it was only available on AT&T. So that decision was easy. Now it’s available on three large carriers in the US. So you have options. That’s good. And bad. The best carrier varies widely based on your needs and your location.

Verizon beats AT&T – who would have guessed? We asked our readers to give us some feedback on their current carrier for the iPhone, how good it was, and what their future plans were. Across the board, AT&T scored lower than Verizon. Particularly in call quality and data connection quality. Verizon scored nearly 20% higher in each category.

Also in our survey, nearly 50% of the respondents are planning on switching carriers this year.

Get the Coverage Details

AT&T coverage is notoriously horrible in large cities. New York City and San Francisco, particularly. If you live in one of those areas and you are looking to jump to a new carrier, this is just about as good of a time as any.

There are a few tools you can use to check the coverage in your area.

CNET Coverage Maps – This is a resource that shows actual coverage based on thousands of samples. You can zoom in and find the coverage of the major carriers in your area and the areas you travel to both in voice and data quality. This same data is also available with Root Metrics CellCoverage app, a free Universal iOS app.

Cell providers publish their own coverage maps. These show unfortunately theoretical data on where coverage should be. Coverage? is a $1.99 Universal iOS app that combines all of those maps and overlays them on a Google map so you can see what official coverage is available in your area.

Decide on a Carrier

So, that said, let’s look at what your options and prices are if you want the iPhone in the US. For this we’re going to look at the cheapest option for a single iPhone 4S on each of the carriers that offer it in the USA. This generally means the lowest service level, fewest number of minutes, lowest data plan, pay as you go texts, etc. We will leave off any other options like enhanced calling options, insurance, etc.

What we found is pretty much what we thought we would. AT&T is the cheapest, by $15/month for the most basic level of service, with only 200 MB of data. Sprint is the only carrier that offers unlimited data – a great deal if you are a heavy data user.

Upgrade Now or Later?!?! Check Your Upgrade Eligibility.

Check your eligibility to see what your upgrade date will be. This will tell you if you want to stick with your current carrier, when you can upgrade for the lowest price. You can check with your carrier site or use the page at Apple to check when you can upgrade. Of course, you can always purchase the iPhone without an upgrade price, though it is a significant difference.

What About Waiting?

Hate to start the rumor mill early, but there will, most certainly be, a next iPhone. And it could come out anytime between 6 months and 18 months from now. It will also likely be a major upgrade and a new form factor. Probably true LTE 4G as well. There, I said it. Rumor mill restarted.

Should you wait? Depends on what kind of user you are. If you are a tech geek, we both know you aren’t going to wait. If you are happy with sticking with a phone for a couple of years maybe you will wait for the next one.

But the iPhone 4S is a great phone. If you have an iPhone 3G or non-iPhone, this is the best time to get one. The jump from an iPhone 3G to an 4S will be huge. You won’t believe what you are missing.

Trade-In Your Old iPhone

One other way you can save money, if you decide to go for the iPhone 4S is to trade in your old phone. There are a variety of services that do this, and most likely your new provider has partnered with one or two. So far the best deals we’ve seen are trade-in at Amazon, for an Amazon gift card. They are offering up to $360 for an 32GB AT&T iPhone 4.

Other services include EBay Instant Sale, Cell Plan Depot, Cell Swapper, and Cell Trade USA. Note that we haven’t tried any of these nor can we comment how good they are.

Our Recommendations

If you are unhappy with your current carrier and get the latest iPhone every time it’s released: Now is probably the best time to change horses. Early termination fees (ETFs) generally go down based on the number of months you are into you contract. With this iPhone coming later than normal, you will save a few bucks on your ETF. Pick the carrier you prefer and jump ship now.

If you want to stick with your carrier and aren’t eligible for the early upgrade: Well then you’ll likely end up paying more. $250 or so more. Check your options. On AT&T, many users are reporting that it will be cheaper to cancel their contract and get a new one than it will be to pay the upgrade fee. The ETF and your eligibility for a cheap upgrade are based on a lot of things, so you need to check with your carrier to see what the details are for you. Check your upgrade eligibility date as well. You might need to wait a few weeks, but that might save you hundreds of dollars as well.

If you are happy with skipping the iPhone 4S: Then by all means do so. Stay with your current carrier and you will, most likely, be out of contract by the time the next iPhone is released. You will then be at the best position to look for a new contract as you won’t suffer any early terminations fees.

Don’t have an iPhone, but want to get one now: It really comes down to this. If you live in a large city, you are probably best with Verizon. If you live outside a city, AT&T will probably save you a few bucks. But you should also check the coverage maps listed above to check who has the best coverage in your area.

So, Are You Going to Get the iPhone 4S?

We’d love to hear from you. Let us know if you are going to get the iPhone 4S and on what carrier. Or are you one of those strong will people and going to wait for the next iPhone?

About: How Much Will it Cost to Upgrade to the iPhone 4S and Should You? is a post from 148Apps

Jeff Scott 06 Oct, 2011

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Commander Pixman Review

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Commander Pixman Review

on October 5th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★★☆ :: PREPARE TO DIE
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad

Commander Pixman is a trial-based platformer that runs players through a gauntlet of short but challenging levels that must be completed quickly.


Developer: One Minute Games
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.0
Device Reviewed On: iPod touch 4

Graphics / Sound Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 3.88 out of 5 stars

Benjamin Franklin is misquoted as saying “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” By contrast, Commander Pixman is proof that developer One Minute Games hates humanity and wishes for them to be miserable. Commander Pixman is just that difficult. This is a trial-based platformer, similar to Super Meat Boy or League of Evil on iOS. Players have to try to get to the goal, and separating them are spikes and enemies that will kill their character, Pixman Blaskowicz. He crash-landed on an alien base, and has only a jetpack and blaster to survive.

Commander Pixman is a neo-retro fan’s delight. The graphics look astounding on the Retina Display, even with their simplicity. The soundtrack is inspired by classic games, but doesn’t confine itself to just chiptunes. This game will last a while just because of how hard it is throughout its 65 main levels and 15 extra levels. The extra stands for “extra freaking tough.” Thankfully, the game makes restarting within a fraction of a second a possibility.

The jumping mechanics take some time to get used to, as Pixman starts off jumping slowly before accelerating upward. Getting acclimated to this mechanic is key to success – and it never really quite feels right because of how different it is. The virtual controls are competent but inferior to real controls; tactility would make the game a bit easier to tolerate at times. The difficulty can become rather repetitive after a short while, especially since the game doesn’t have much of a difficulty curve. It starts out being pretty hard, then starts to become absurdly difficult. The game doesn’t ever feel much more difficult, just because each level is only ever mildly more difficult than the last; going back to the early levels makes them seem pithy in difficulty by comparison.

iOS gamers looking for a challenge from their games will be satisfied by Commander Pixman, as it is extremely difficult. In fact, the game teases the number of deaths that players will suffer not only through per-level and global death counts, but by showing a replay of the last 40 attempts a player has taken on a level. Most of them end up in failure. Be prepared.

Apps mentioned in this post: Commander Pixman

About: Commander Pixman Review is a post from 148Apps

Carter Dotson 06 Oct, 2011

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